
Get acquainted with new KCTC member 27Global and its CEO, Steve Roatch.
1. Give us your organization’s quick origin story!
After 18 years at Accenture followed by a stint as COO for a small software company, I realized there was a market opportunity for high quality software engineering. Companies are stuck between hiring a very expensive local consulting boutique and throwing their project over the wall to an offshore team. I addressed this gap by creating a company with seasoned local professionals combined with a talented offshore team. The result is a service that offers local control and expertise at a price point companies outside the Fortune 1000 can afford.
2. What problem are you currently solving in the KC tech industry?
We help forward thinking business leaders achieve competitive advantage through the use of information technology. In KC, this requires access to hard to find talent. Finding a team that has the business acumen to understand your vision as well as the technical expertise to create it is a huge challenge. We are that team.
3. What can we expect to see from your company/organization in the next year?
Significant growth in our cloud engineering and security offerings as well as enhanced data platform engineering and data analytics. We're helping our clients embrace DevOps, which we think is a game changer in software and IT.
4. How can KCTC members get more involved?
We host an annual CIO roundtable and are active in the DevOps community. And, we're always hiring!

1. If your office was The Office, what character would you be?
I did an internet quiz once and the answer came back "Pam". But my son says I'm Creed. I guess I'm somewhere on that spectrum.
2. What’s an app you can’t live without?
RPN Calc. It's a copy of my trusty old HP-15c calculator, the best ever made.
3. What’s your favorite hidden gem in Kansas City?
The mountain bike trails at Shawnee Mission Park, Blue River Rd, and Swope Park are amazing.
4. What technology tip are you always giving your clients?
Shift left. This means engineering quality and security into your code and infrastructure as early ("left") and often as possible.